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Influential domestic data due on the last trading day for Australia's financial year. Overnight, gold & oil higher; aluminium lower; US equities little changed. Key US, UK & European data tonight. US presidential candidates debate today. (read more)
Material domestic & regional economic data due late morning. Tsunami of stocks ex-dividend. FY24 positioning expected. Overnight, gold & nickel lower; aluminium higher; US equities at most moderately higher. RBA deputy governor speech tonight. Key US data (read more)
Influential domestic economic indicators due late morning. RBA official speaking publicly. Overnight, oil, gold, copper & nickel lower; US equities again mixed. (read more)
Key domestic economic indicators due. Corporate earnings & updated guidance also in focus. Overnight, oil, gold & nickel higher; aluminium lower; US equities decidedly mixed. Last trading week for the domestic financial year. Fluid geopolitical scenarios. (read more)
High-profile domestic stocks earnings and guidance updates in hand. Overnight Friday, oil, gold, copper and nickel lower; US equities little changed. Last trading week for the domestic financial year. Fluid geopolitical scenarios. (read more)