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Influential China data due. Overnight, US equities mostly lower; copper & nickel also lower; gold, WTI crude & iron ore higher. Key US data & influential corporate earnings releases tonight. US president speech today. Friday. (read more)
Key domestic economic reports due. New data in hand from China. Bank of Korea rates decision today. Overnight, $US, oil & gold higher; iron ore, nickel & aluminium lower. US CPI tonight. Fluid geopolitical scenarios. (read more)
Key domestic and regional economic data due. RBA economist speaking publicly in late ASX trade. Overnight, oil, copper, nickel & aluminium lower; US equities little changed. Geopolitical uncertainty in sharp focus. (read more)
Influential domestic economic data due. Overnight, US equities little changed. Oil, gold, & iron ore lower; nickel higher. US Federal Reserve chair Congress committee comments tonight. Intensified northern hemisphere conflict. NATO summit commencing. (read more)
International focus on political change. Key domestic economic data due; new data in hand from China. Overnight Friday, US equities, gold, iron ore, copper, nickel & aluminium higher; oil lower. US & China inflation updates this week. Fed Reserve parliam (read more)