Disclaimer: All information on this section is of a general nature.
Before making any investment decision, you should seek the relevant advice.
State One Market Opener: Local and Overseas Market Commentary, Today’s Stock Watch, Commodities, Pre-Open Announcements, and Reports & Events (read more)
State One ranked fifth (5th) of all brokers in the volume of shares traded on the CHI-X market
If the stock exchange doesn’t really interest you and you don’t want to make a hobby from investing, but you have some shares that you would like to sell off, there is one option for you.
Offering the convenience of a stock along with the broadening of a mutual fund, Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs, are some of the most popular and innovative new securities to hit the market since the introduction of the mutual fund.
Many new investors think of the stock market as a short-term investment which will bring them huge monetary gains, or devastating financial loss.